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Lunch Buffet

Dinner With The Doc

Join us for dinner - on us! 

Join Dr. Jayden at House of Health Clinic in Moonee Ponds to learn about the different types of stress (physical and emotional); and the effects this has on our body, wellness and performance. Leave the night with strategies to reduce your stress and improve your overall health.


​This workshop will particularly benefit you if you experience:


Pain or a chronic health condition:

- headaches/migraines
- stiffness in back or neck
- nerve impingements
- postural problems
- walking difficulties
- stiffness in hips
- sciatica
- shoulder impingements
- slipped discs



- feeling anxious
- fatigued
- depleted
- have difficulty sleeping
- have low mood
- increased procrastination
- feeling stressed!


Beer, Wine, Dinner & Tea/Coffee is provided and on us! 


​This is a community event open to the public and attendance is FREE. The event will fill up quicky and there are limited numbers for our venue.
Bring along a friend - booking is required for catering purposes.  Please use the online booking system below to secure your place.


Next Session: Friday 19th April 7pm


We look forward to seeing you there!

Have a question? Submit your enquiry below

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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